A guide to using your faith to influence anxiety reduction during COVID-19
Ball games, concerts, parties…these are just a few of the many things that have been cancelled. However, faith and spirituality are NOT cancelled. You can rely on the strength of your inner belief system to help retain purpose and courage at this time. A prayer, meditation or moment with peace can lead to a change in your entire outlook on life. As a therapist at Brook Lane, a non-profit organization that embraces religious principals, I feel that it is vital for my clients to explore their core beliefs and lean on their faith for comfort. While this time is uncertain, and our days look strikingly different than a mere few weeks ago, our faith can bring peace and a feeling of purpose, even in moments of chaos.
Tips to Reduce Anxiety Through Faith:
- Maintain your spiritual wellness. If you’re looking for a moment of peace and feel the world is out of control, check-in with yourself. When was the last time you meditated, prayed or had a moment alone to seek your own purpose? If the answer does not come quickly, maybe this is a good time to take a moment for yourself to reflect on the bigger picture.
- Incorporate friends and family into your faith. Contact your fellow spiritual cheerleaders and talk to them. Set up a virtual prayer group, bible study or time to talk about what is on your mind. Faith is to be shared with those you love most, so spread the joy of your beliefs and look for strength through lifting each other up.
- Encourage family talks about faith. Let your kids participate in discussions on faith and spirituality. Encourage them to pray, meditate or speak with you about your beliefs and theirs. Open discussion can bring a family closer and create a break from the daily stress that is crowding your day.
- Join a weekly religious service through social distancing. Different religions are offering services online weekly during this time, some even daily. Encourage yourself to reach out and use one of the services to lift yourself up. Realize that you’re not alone – the world is seeking faith to reduce their stress as well.
Additional Tips:
- Music in the moment: Seek out spiritual music that lifts you up and takes your mind into a deeper, more peaceful place. Play music around your house, worship as you feel it helps you and connect with your inner calm.
- Peace corner: Use your faith to cope in the moment by creating a space in your home dedicated to worship, prayer or meditation. Find a place where your mind can slip away from the stress and focus on the peace of your beliefs.
- Study your religious documents: Take this time to study your own religious scripture or research new ways to connect to your beliefs. By connecting to a greater common belief, you are connecting into a network of people and are not alone.
- Be adventurous: Read new books on spirituality, explore different ways to connect to your belief system. Use this time to read your worries away.
- Ask for guidance: Contact people who you trust to guide you through this time and keep you spiritually motivated to use your faith.
We wish you and your family spiritual wellness and comfort at this time.
Shannon Snowman, LGPC is a therapist at Brook Lane’s Frederick Outpatient Office