Most of us like to think that we are eating a nutritious diet but don’t typically spend a lot of time researching and combining food groups to assure it. For dietitians, particularly those working in the hospital environment, this is their way of thinking. Sandie Lynch is the clinical registered dietitian/nutritionist for Brook Lane. She works with nutritional services staff members to plan and develop meal and nutrition plans for patients in the hospital. She also provides nutrition and wellness consultations to patients individually. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics, a Master’s of Science Degree in Community Health Education and Healthcare Administration and is a Certified Wellness and Life Coach, Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Aerobic and Pilates Instructor.
Sandie joined the Brook Lane staff in April of 2019, after she retired from the State of Maryland where she provided 25 years of clinical and food service management, along with 15 years of service as the Director of Organizational Learning and HR Services at Western Maryland Hospital Center. In addition, Sandie has maintained a private practice and provides nutritional and wellness services through Premise Health at Volvo manufacturing in Hagerstown.
An interest in the connection between nutrition and mental health attracted her to work in the mental health field. “I have been impacted by mental illness through close relationships and personally struggled with body image and eating challenges in the past,” Sandie says. She enjoys being a support for those who are struggling and feeling lost. Being a part of the nutritional services teams gives Sandie the opportunity to work with clients and have a positive impact. It is important to her to make a difference and bring peace and joy to others.
Sandie is a member of the Middletown United Methodist Church (MUMC) and is a member of the worship band. She loves to sing and was in a rock and roll band in the past. Singing with the worship team gives her the opportunity to continue to “rock.” She also provides fitness classes at MUMC through ATP (Attain Top Performance) Consultants, LLC. She is a Jesus Follower and wants her life to be an extension of His love, peace and joy while helping others find their way to being whole in Him.
Sandie lives in Myersville with her husband of 28 years and their three rescued fur babies, Abbie, a Jack Russell Terrier/Shih Tzu mix, Coco, a Chihuahua, and Jazz, a mixed Russian Blue. Her pets are a great source of entertainment and joy. She also loves to garden, organize and exercise. She particularly enjoys teaching others how to challenge their bodies in fun ways.