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Visitation Guidelines

Hospital Visitation Policy

Brook Lane offers a variety of ways to connect with your loved ones during their stay at Brook Lane. Options include in-person, virtual visitation (via Zoom), and phone calls. During times when cases of COVID or flu have increased, in-person visitation may be temporarily suspended. We take all necessary precautions to protect your family member and our staff while we address your loved one's mental health concerns. We monitor and update visitation changes daily. 

At this time, the tween unit is accepting virtual visitation and phone calls only. Keep in mind that children and adolescents call their approved family members during scheduled times.

To Schedule an In-Person Visit

Scheduling an inpatient visit begins by having a conversation with the Nursing Supervisor. To contact the Nursing Supervisor, please call 301-733-0331 x1183 or x1213. 

To Schedule a Zoom Visit

Scheduling a Zoom visit is initiated by calling 301-733-0330. Let the staff member know you would like to schedule a Zoom visit with a patient. 

To Schedule a Phone Call 

Talking to your loved one by phone is also an option. Adults may be reached by calling 301-733-0330 during the times listed below. Please ask for the hospital and let the staff member know you are calling to speak with a patient. Children and adolescent patients will call approved family members at the times listed below. 

Adult Patient Phone Times

8:00 am - 9:30 pm

Children and Adolescent Phone Times

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm and 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm