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The 2020s & Beyond...

"The 2020s & Beyond"

Looking to the Future

In 2020, TeleMental Health services were launched and thrived in response to the profound mental health challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. The School-based mental health program quickly adapted to offer virtual services, especially as students were sent home, making in-person interactions challenging. During this period, more than 50% of services were provided virtually to clients.

The year 2021 witnessed renovations to the adult and adolescent hospital units, responding to the evolving needs of the community. In 2022, the introduction of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) marked a cutting-edge, non-invasive treatment option for major depression. Simultaneously, the Adult Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) relocated to a renovated onsite space, enhancing the overall patient experience. Also, in 2022, the Frederick outpatient offices found a new home in a suite adjacent to the Laurel Hall School within the same plaza. Brook Lane took an active role in community engagement by hosting the Bridge to Hope fundraiser in 2022, providing an opportunity to share the organization's impact with the community and supporters.

Recognition came in 2023 when Brook Lane was honored as the Nonprofit of the Year by the Washington County Chamber of Commerce. Expanding its reach, an outpatient location was opened in Cumberland, MD, bringing services to the western panhandle. Meanwhile, renovations began for a new child and adolescent residential wing within the hospital, expected to be operational in 2024. In the same year, Brook Lane earned the distinction of being one of the most beautiful hospitals in the United States. This recognition not only acknowledged the natural beauty of its main campus but also highlighted the dedication of its nearly 500 employees, all committed to guiding each patient towards their full potential on the path to hope, healing, and recovery.