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July Recognitions

Minority Mental Health Month


2024 Minority Mental Health Month 

You experience the world through the lenses of culture, ethnicity, and race. These factors, among others, profoundly affect mental health, especially for Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC). In BIPOC communities, discussing mental health can often be considered taboo, and certain myths about seeking mental health support persist. These messages often stem from genuine fear, as BIPOC populations may have had negative mental health and healthcare system experiences. As a result, BIPOC individuals have often sought support from traditional healers, doulas, or peer advocates. However, seeking therapy or other mental health services can support and supplement these methods.

Here are some common myths you may encounter in BIPOC communities, along with the facts:

  1. Myth: Talking about my feelings is a sign of weakness. Fact: Offering and receiving support is a crucial element in the natural cycle of life.
  2. Myth: What happens in the family should stay in the family. Fact: You are allowed to express yourself to people you feel comfortable and safe with, even if they are not your biological family.
  3. Myth: Therapy is for "crazy" people. Fact: Therapy provides a space for you to heal and grow so you can thrive.
  4. Myth: Others had it worse, so I don’t have the right to feel how I do. Fact: Your feelings are valid, and you deserve care and support.

For more information about ways to support the mental health of BIPOC communities, visit:




Bereaved Parents Month


Losing a child is the deepest sorrow a parent can face. This grief is unique, intense, and enduring. For bereaved parents, the journey is long and personal, marked by moments of intense pain and gradual healing. Here are the five most important ways to navigate this difficult time:

Action Steps for Bereaved Parents:

  1. Allow Time to Grieve: Grief has no timeline. Give yourself the time you need.
  2. Self-Care: Prioritize your physical and emotional well-being. Exercise, eat healthily, stay hydrated, and rest.
  3. Express Emotions: Share your feelings with others or keep a journal to process your emotions.
  4. Seek Support: Join support groups or connect with others who understand your pain.
  5. Consider Therapy: If grief or depression interferes with daily life, consider professional help.

The pain of losing a child is lifelong, but you can heal and find a way to move forward, cherishing the memories of your beloved child. If you would like to start therapy, we can help. 301-733-0330.

Resource: Grieving the Loss of a Child


Social Wellness Month


Improving your social wellness can significantly enhance your overall health and quality of life. Research shows that strong social support can help you manage stress better, reduce health issues, and maintain a more positive outlook. Here are some ways social wellness can impact your life:

  • Mental health: Strong social connections can combat loneliness and provide emotional support, promoting good mental health.
  • Heart health: Developing deeper relationships can reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Loneliness and anxiety can lead to high blood pressure.
  • Stress: Social support helps you respond better to stress, which can alleviate pressure on your heart and bolster your immune system.
  • Emotional resilience: Building emotional resilience is crucial for mental health, helping you manage stress and build emotional strength.

To improve your social wellness, try making new friends, exploring new hobbies, and strengthening relationships with your existing connections.


Independence Day (July 4)


Wishing you a Happy Fourth of July from Brook Lane! May your Independence Day be filled with safety, joy, and mental well-being. Let's take a moment to think of those who may find fireworks and loud noises distressing by engaging in quieter activities such as waving flags or enjoying sparklers. Have a wonderful day and contemplate the gift of freedom.