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Self-Care Solace: Nurturing Wellness and Combating Loneliness

November 16, 2023 - 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Washington County Commission on Aging
535 East Franklin St
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Get Directions
301-733-0331 x1228

This program is co-sponsored by Brook Lane and the Washington County Commission on Aging.Wood blocks that say Selfcare

This FREE community program will share practical self-care techniques to help individuals enhance their overall well-being including combatting feelings of loneliness.  It is critical to remember self-care, especially if you are dedicating much of your time to caring for someone else. Many people tend to isolate themselves, more so when stressed or feeling overwhelmed.  Developing a social network and making time to connect with others is a path toward renewal. Join Michelle Smith, LCSW-C, as she shares valuable information on how to be more aware of your own needs and actions you can take to improve your well-being, including decreasing loneliness.

Michelle Smith is a Licensed Certified Social Worker, Clinical and is a therapist at Brook Lane's outpatient office North Village in Hagerstown. She has been employer with Brook Lane in a number of therapeutic roles for over 25 years. Michelle works primarily with adult clients with a variety of mental health issues.