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Helping Your Child With Anxiety

Childhood anxiety appears in many forms, making it difficult to identify, understand and treat. Sometimes you may not be sure if your child is struggling with anxiety or something else.

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Minding Your Mind: Using your Thoughts to Gain Better Emotional Well-being

Before you begin reading this, do two things. Take a couple of deep breaths and fully exhale. Next, stretch your entire body. Then tighten your body and let it go a limp. I recommend that you do this quick exercise every day for the next week.

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Meet Sarah Schiffres-Grove

Sarah Schiffres-Grove is a licensed clinical social worker providing counseling services at Brook Lane’s North Village outpatient office. She manages of caseload of nearly 100 clients ages 10 years and older.

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Distance Learning: Helpful Techniques to Make it More Manageable

As we enter into the tenth month of this new COVID lifestyle, we all likely are facing personal struggles at this point. While I remain thankful I can still work and stay in contact with my clients, I will be happy to throw away my blue light glasses and bid farewell to Zoom forever.

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The Mental Health Benefits of Giving Thanks

The month of November is a time when many of us gather with our family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. You may not have given this much thought, but being thankful actually has many mental health benefits.

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Does My Child Need a Therapist?

All children and teenagers go through an array of emotions, situations, and behaviors. But some children struggle more than others. One in every five children struggle with some kind of mental health concern. So how do you know if a child or teen needs more support? How do you decide to seek a professional for help?

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Substance Use Recovery: How Do You Get There?

September is National Recovery Month, a time to spread awareness of substance use recovery, prevention, and treatment. But what exactly is recovery?

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Health & Fitness with Sandie Lynch

Most of us like to think that we are eating a nutritious diet but don’t typically spend a lot of time researching and combining food groups to assure it. For dietitians, particularly those working in the hospital environment, this is their way of thinking. Sandie Lynch is the clinical registered dietitian/nutritionist for Brook Lane.

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12 Tips for a Successful School Year

August is National Back to School Month! Whether it is back to the classroom or back to the distance learning routine, kids need time to adjust to getting back into a more structured world of learning.

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