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Managing the Emotional Challenges of a Prolonged Pandemic

Whenever I think about COVID-19, I can’t help but picture Steve Urkel, the fictional character on the 1980s sitcom Family Matters. Whil

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Managing Holiday Expectations

As the holiday season approaches, our thoughts turn to time with family and friends, seasonal traditions, special foods and favorite movies. The days may not always be merry and bright for everyone, though.

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Brook Lane Launches New Branding

For more than 70 years, Brook Lane has served this region as a leading provider of mental and behavioral health care. A tree has been our symbol for much of that time.

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Caregiver Stress and Burnout

November is National Family Caregiver Month. Being a primary caregiver for a family member in need is one of the most honorable, yet challenging and stressful roles a person can undertake.

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The Winter Blues: Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a recurrent, seasonal pattern of depressive episodes. Most commonly, the episodes begin in the fall or winter and go away in the spring or summer, but for some people, the opposite is true. Some individuals become depressed in the summertime.

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Meet Danielle Roncone, Laurel Hall Hagerstown Therapist

Being a school student can be a very emotionally challenging time, particularly for those who have difficulty regulating their emotions. Having access to a mental health therapist can make all the difference in having a successful year.

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Michael Hann, MD New Chief Medical Officer

Michael C. Hann, MD joined the staff at Brook Lane as Chief Medical Officer on September 20, 2021. “I was looking for an organization with a strong sense of service,” says Dr. Hann. “Brook Lane has a long history in helping and serving others and I look forward to getting started in my new position.” 

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Is Substance Use Treatment the Same as Addictions Recovery?

Is substance use treatment actually addictions recovery? The answer to that question can be yes and no. So, what is treatment, if it is not necessarily recovery? And what is recovery, if it is not only treatment?

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My Road to Healing and Recovery: Jason Marren’s Success Story

Three years ago I was in the darkest time of my life and it kept getting darker. I was miserable and felt like I was failing. I was wearing a mask to hide my low self-esteem and self-confidence. Financial insecurities were making me anxious and I couldn’t sleep.

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