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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a form of anxiety that can occur after seeing, experiencing or living through a life-threatening event. This traumatic event may be military combat, assault as an adult or a child, sudden loss of a loved one, being a victim of a motor vehicle accident, or a witness to a catastrophic event.

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Managing Borderline Personality Disorder

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and coincidently, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Month. In the mental health care field, borderline personality disorder is something clinicians are exposed to on a fairly regular basis but as a general rule, information about borderline personality is not commonly known.

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Six Tips for Managing Anxiety During COVID-19

For the first time in society, we can contribute to saving the world by staying home and sitting on our couches while binge watching our favorite shows for hours on end.

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Faith-Based Stress Reduction

A guide to using your faith to influence anxiety reduction during COVID-19

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Helping Children Understand Germs & Illness

A Guide to Presenting Information to Children in a Way They Will Understand

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Free Resources to Help During a Pandemic

This is such an unprecedented time in our history. Even those who may be self-proclaimed “homebodies” have never spent this much time inside of their homes.

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Supporting Your Kids During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A guide to engaging with your children in healthy, meaningful, and anxiety reducing ways during the COVID-19 situation.

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Diet and Mental Health

We have known for years that diet impacts the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Recently, a new field of research called Nutritional Psychiatry is focused on determining the impact of diet and nutrition on mental health.

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Resilience: Building a Positive Mindset

Mental health providers are trained to be problem solvers when conflict, unhappiness and disability become overwhelming. For that matter, parents, teachers, coaches, police officers and employers also are frequently called upon to be problem solvers.

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Autism: A Developmental Disorder

Autism is a developmental disorder that includes a variety of symptoms from social difficulties to the inability to communicate and interact with others. It generally appears in early childhood, typically around the age of three.

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